Icons in transformation Augustana Lutheran Church, ST. Paul MN USA

Icons in transformation All Saints Episcopal Church, Omaha Nebraska USA

Icons in transformation St. James Church, Pullman Washington USA


Icons in transformation St. Martin Church, Annapolis Maryland USA

Trinity English Lutheran Church, Fort Wayne Indiana USA

Our Saviour Lutheran Church, Sioux Falls South Dakota USA


Icons in transformation Christ Church Cathedral, Cincinnati Ohio USA

Icons in transformation St. Luke Church, Darien Connecticut USA

Icons in transformation St. John Church, York Pennsylvania USA

Evangelical Lutheran Church, Waynesboro Pennsylvenia USA


Icons in transformation St. Thomas Church, St. Petersburg Florida USA

Icons in transformation St. James Church + Art Museum, Ormond Beach, Florida USA

BEAUTIFUL  Mariestad Domkyrka, Mariestad


Icons in transformation  Trinity Church, Fayetteville, North Carolina USA

Icons in transformation St. Paul´s Church, Delray Beach, Florida USA

Icons in transformation St. Stephan´s Cathedral + Riverside Art Gallery, Harrisburg Pennsylvania USA

Icons in transformation St. Thomas Church , St. Petersburg, FLorida USA


BEAUTIFUL    Galleri Tapper Popermajer, Teckomatorp

Icons in transformation St. Andrew´s Church, Denver, Colorado USA

Icons in transformation Kloster Kyrka, Eskilstuna

Icons in transformation St. Thomas Church, Houston, Texas USA

Icons in transformation Landskrona församling + kommunhuset


Ikoner i förvandling  Konsthallen + Gottsunda Kyrka, Uppsala

Icons in transformation  Youth Center & Trinity Church, Orange, California USA

Icons in transformation   Trinity Church + Art Foundation, Reno, Nevada USA

Icons in transformation   All Saint´s Church, Carmel, California USA

Icons in transformation  St. Michael and All Angels Church, Concord, California USA

Ikoner i förvandling  Rønnevang Kirke, Köpenhamn


BEAUTIFUL     Österbybruks Herrgård, Österbrybruk

Icons in transformation   Visitor & Conference Center, Killeen, Texas, USA

Icons in transformation Art Museum, Riverside, California USA

Icons in transformation Hjo kommun; Konsthall + Kyrka, Hjo

Icons in transformation  Tyresö Församling, Stockholm

BEAUTIFUL    Kunsthaus Rapp, Wil, Schweiz


Icons in transformation Civic & Conference Center Killeen, USA

BEAUTIFUL Österbrybruks Herrgård Museum, Österbrybruk, Sweden

Icons in transformation Hjo Church & town, Hjo

Icons in transformation Tyresö Parish, Stockholm

Icons in transformation Art Museum & All Saint´s Church, Riverside, USA


Icons in transformation Church of the Nativity Huntsville, USA
Icons in transformation St. Mark´s Episcopal Church, USA

BEAUTIFUL Neadalen  Art Society Selbu (Trondheim) NORWAY

BEAUTIFUL Galleri Sundvolden/Oslo NORWAY

Icons in transformation Visual Art Centre, Temple, USA


Icons in transformation All Saints Church Indianapolis, USA
Icons in transformation All Saints Cathedral Church Milwaukee, USA
BEAUTIFUL Engsö Castle, Västerås
Icons in transformation St. Mark´s Church, Glen Ellyn (Chicago) USA
Icons in transformation St. Paul´s Church, Chattanooga USA

BEAUTIFUL Kunsthaus Rapp, Wil Switzerland


Icons in transformation Christ Church Cathedral, St. Louis USA
Icons in transformation Grace Cathedral, Topeka USA
Icons in transformation Calvary Church, Memphis USA
Icons in transformation Grace and Trinith Cathedral, Kansas City USA
Icons in transformation The Basilica of St. Mary, Minneapolis  USA
Icons in transformation The Cathedral of St. Paul, Erie USA


Icons in transformation St. Mark´s Cathedral, Seattle USA
Icons in transformation Christ Church Cathedral, Cincinnati USA
Icons in transformation S:t Nicolai Church, Nyköping
Made in Scandinavia Ski Art Society, Oslo
Made in Scandinavia Lysekil Art Society, Lysekil
Icons in transformation Christ Church Cathedral, Lexington USA
I Hate War Waxholm Fortress Museum, Stockholm


Icons in transformation Liverpool Cathedral, Liverpool
Icons in transformation Olaus Petri Church, Örebro
Icons in transformation Sagene Church, Oslo
Made in Scandinavia Galleri New Form, Trelleborg
Made in Scandinavia Galleri Arctandria, Oslo
Icons in transformation Galleri G18, Helsinki


Icons in transformation Hereford Cathedral, Hereford
Icons in transformation Lincoln Cathedral, Lincoln
Icons in transformation St. Helena Church, Skövde
Icons in transformation Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin
Icons in transformation Gloucester Cathedral, Gloucester
Ludmila Pawlowska Galleri 17 – Lidingö Konsthall, Stockholm


Icons in transformation Kristine Church, Jönköping
Made in Scandinavia Bærum Kulturhus, Oslo
Icons in transformation Brussels Cathedral, Brussels
Icons in transformation Eusebius Cathedral, Arnhem
Icons in transformation Varberg Church, Varberg
Made in Scandinavia Dronninglund Art Center, Dronninglund
Icons in transformation Matteus Church, Norrköping
Icons in transformation Holmen Museum, Løgumkloster
Made in Scandinavia Ronneby Konsthall, Ronneby
Made in Scandinavia Galleri Tapper-Popermajer, Teckomatorp


Icons in transformation Kalmar Cathedral, Kalmar
Icons in transformation Linköping Cathedral, Linköping
I´ve been exploring Arts Center Fengslet, Hønefoss
Letter to You… Inspire Fine Arts Gallery, Chicago
Icons in transformation St. Johannes Church, Malmö
Ludmila Pawlowska Galleri Arctandria, Oslo
Icons in transformation Kristine Church, Falun
Icons in transformation Randers Cathedral, Randers


Icons in transformation Immanuel Church, Stockholm
Icons in transformation Margareta Church, Oslo
Love/Spirituality/Time Elverum Art Society, Elverum
Letter to a friend Kunsthaus Rapp, Wil
Ludmila Pawlowska Galleri Elise Toft, Kolding


Letter to You… Galleri Elise Toft, Kolding
Three dimensional possibilities Galleri Roenland, Hønefoss
Your face I am looking for… Rakkestad Arts Society, Rakkestad
Inclusions… Hamar Arts Society, Hamar
Your face I am looking for… Oranienburg Kunsthalle, Berlin
Ludmila Pawlowska Söderhamn Konsthall, Söderhamn
Your face I am looking for… Lillesand Arts Society, Lillesand


Inclusions… Arboga Arts Society, Arboga
Icons in transformation Gränna church, Gränna
Ludmila Pawlowska Partille Konsthall, Gothenburg
Love/Spirituality/Time Arvika Konsthall, Arvika
European Art Tour Hallsberg Art Society, Hallsberg
Ludmila Pawlowska Emmaboda Art Society, Emmaboda
Love/Spirituality/Time Kragerö Art Society, Kragerö
Icons in transformation Skara Cathedral, Skara
Love/Spirituality/Time Immanuel Church, Stockholm


Ludmila Pawlowska Voksenåsen Art Center, Oslo
Ludmila Pawlowska Galerie Brunstigerhof, Beilen
Your face I am looking for… Galleri Elise Toft, Kolding
Three dimensional possibilities Galleri Roenland, Hønefoss
Ludmila Pawlowska Turm Stadt Galerie,Helmstedt
Icons in transformation Kornsjø Art Society, Kornsjø


Inclusions… Hilton Hotel, Brussels
Inclusions… Hilton Hotel, Milano
Icons in transformation Immanuel Church, Stockholm
Ludmila Pawlowska Gallery New Form, Sparreholm


Ludmila Pawlowska Galleri Elenor, Oslo
Ludmila Pawlowska Art Society, Oxelösund
In the world of flowers Julita Museum


Ludmila Pawlowska Voksenåsen, Oslo


Ludmila Pawlowska Binneberg Museum, Skövde

Icons in transformation St. James Church + Art Museum, Ormond Beach, Florida USA

BEAUTIFUL  Mariestad Domkyrka, Mariestad


Icons in transformation  Trinity Church, Fayetteville, North Carolina USA

Icons in transformation St. Paul´s Church, Delray Beach, Florida USA

Icons in transformation St. Stephan´s Cathedral + Riverside Art Gallery, Harrisburg Pennsylvania USA

Icons in transformation St. Thomas Church , St. Petersburg, FLorida USA


BEAUTIFUL    Galleri Tapper Popermajer, Teckomatorp

Icons in transformation St. Andrew´s Church, Denver, Colorado USA

Icons in transformation Kloster Kyrka, Eskilstuna

Icons in transformation St. Thomas Church, Houston, Texas USA

Icons in transformation Landskrona församling + kommunhuset


Ikoner i förvandling  Konsthallen + Gottsunda Kyrka, Uppsala

Icons in transformation  Youth Center & Trinity Church, Orange, California USA

Icons in transformation   Trinity Church + Art Foundation, Reno, Nevada USA

Icons in transformation   All Saint´s Church, Carmel, California USA

Icons in transformation  St. Michael and All Angels Church, Concord, California USA

Ikoner i förvandling  Rønnevang Kirke, Köpenhamn


BEAUTIFUL     Österbybruks Herrgård, Österbrybruk

Icons in transformation   Visitor & Conference Center, Killeen, Texas, USA

Icons in transformation Art Museum, Riverside, California USA

Icons in transformation Hjo kommun; Konsthall + Kyrka, Hjo

Icons in transformation  Tyresö Församling, Stockholm

BEAUTIFUL    Kunsthaus Rapp, Wil, Schweiz


Icons in transformation Civic & Conference Center Killeen, USA

BEAUTIFUL Österbrybruks Herrgård Museum, Österbrybruk, Sweden

Icons in transformation Hjo Church & town, Hjo

Icons in transformation Tyresö Parish, Stockholm

Icons in transformation Art Museum & All Saint´s Church, Riverside, USA


Icons in transformation Church of the Nativity Huntsville, USA
Icons in transformation St. Mark´s Episcopal Church, USA

BEAUTIFUL Neadalen  Art Society Selbu (Trondheim) NORWAY

BEAUTIFUL Galleri Sundvolden/Oslo NORWAY

Icons in transformation Visual Art Centre, Temple, USA


Icons in transformation All Saints Church Indianapolis, USA
Icons in transformation All Saints Cathedral Church Milwaukee, USA
BEAUTIFUL Engsö Castle, Västerås
Icons in transformation St. Mark´s Church, Glen Ellyn (Chicago) USA
Icons in transformation St. Paul´s Church, Chattanooga USA

BEAUTIFUL Kunsthaus Rapp, Wil Switzerland


Icons in transformation Christ Church Cathedral, St. Louis USA
Icons in transformation Grace Cathedral, Topeka USA
Icons in transformation Calvary Church, Memphis USA
Icons in transformation Grace and Trinith Cathedral, Kansas City USA
Icons in transformation The Basilica of St. Mary, Minneapolis  USA
Icons in transformation The Cathedral of St. Paul, Erie USA


Icons in transformation St. Mark´s Cathedral, Seattle USA
Icons in transformation Christ Church Cathedral, Cincinnati USA
Icons in transformation S:t Nicolai Church, Nyköping
Made in Scandinavia Ski Art Society, Oslo
Made in Scandinavia Lysekil Art Society, Lysekil
Icons in transformation Christ Church Cathedral, Lexington USA
I Hate War Waxholm Fortress Museum, Stockholm


Icons in transformation Liverpool Cathedral, Liverpool
Icons in transformation Olaus Petri Church, Örebro
Icons in transformation Sagene Church, Oslo
Made in Scandinavia Galleri New Form, Trelleborg
Made in Scandinavia Galleri Arctandria, Oslo
Icons in transformation Galleri G18, Helsinki


Icons in transformation Hereford Cathedral, Hereford
Icons in transformation Lincoln Cathedral, Lincoln
Icons in transformation St. Helena Church, Skövde
Icons in transformation Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin
Icons in transformation Gloucester Cathedral, Gloucester
Ludmila Pawlowska Galleri 17 – Lidingö Konsthall, Stockholm


Icons in transformation Kristine Church, Jönköping
Made in Scandinavia Bærum Kulturhus, Oslo
Icons in transformation Brussels Cathedral, Brussels
Icons in transformation Eusebius Cathedral, Arnhem
Icons in transformation Varberg Church, Varberg
Made in Scandinavia Dronninglund Art Center, Dronninglund
Icons in transformation Matteus Church, Norrköping
Icons in transformation Holmen Museum, Løgumkloster
Made in Scandinavia Ronneby Konsthall, Ronneby
Made in Scandinavia Galleri Tapper-Popermajer, Teckomatorp


Icons in transformation Kalmar Cathedral, Kalmar
Icons in transformation Linköping Cathedral, Linköping
I´ve been exploring Arts Center Fengslet, Hønefoss
Letter to You… Inspire Fine Arts Gallery, Chicago
Icons in transformation St. Johannes Church, Malmö
Ludmila Pawlowska Galleri Arctandria, Oslo
Icons in transformation Kristine Church, Falun
Icons in transformation Randers Cathedral, Randers


Icons in transformation Immanuel Church, Stockholm
Icons in transformation Margareta Church, Oslo
Love/Spirituality/Time Elverum Art Society, Elverum
Letter to a friend Kunsthaus Rapp, Wil
Ludmila Pawlowska Galleri Elise Toft, Kolding


Letter to You… Galleri Elise Toft, Kolding
Three dimensional possibilities Galleri Roenland, Hønefoss
Your face I am looking for… Rakkestad Arts Society, Rakkestad
Inclusions… Hamar Arts Society, Hamar
Your face I am looking for… Oranienburg Kunsthalle, Berlin
Ludmila Pawlowska Söderhamn Konsthall, Söderhamn
Your face I am looking for… Lillesand Arts Society, Lillesand


Inclusions… Arboga Arts Society, Arboga
Icons in transformation Gränna church, Gränna
Ludmila Pawlowska Partille Konsthall, Gothenburg
Love/Spirituality/Time Arvika Konsthall, Arvika
European Art Tour Hallsberg Art Society, Hallsberg
Ludmila Pawlowska Emmaboda Art Society, Emmaboda
Love/Spirituality/Time Kragerö Art Society, Kragerö
Icons in transformation Skara Cathedral, Skara
Love/Spirituality/Time Immanuel Church, Stockholm


Ludmila Pawlowska Voksenåsen Art Center, Oslo
Ludmila Pawlowska Galerie Brunstigerhof, Beilen
Your face I am looking for… Galleri Elise Toft, Kolding
Three dimensional possibilities Galleri Roenland, Hønefoss
Ludmila Pawlowska Turm Stadt Galerie,Helmstedt
Icons in transformation Kornsjø Art Society, Kornsjø


Inclusions… Hilton Hotel, Brussels
Inclusions… Hilton Hotel, Milano
Icons in transformation Immanuel Church, Stockholm
Ludmila Pawlowska Gallery New Form, Sparreholm


Ludmila Pawlowska Galleri Elenor, Oslo
Ludmila Pawlowska Art Society, Oxelösund
In the world of flowers Julita Museum


Ludmila Pawlowska Voksenåsen, Oslo


Ludmila Pawlowska Binneberg Museum, Skövde

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