Great artists using the Icon as source of inspiration: Kandinsky, Klee, Mondrian, Chagall, Giacometti, Matisse, Modigliani, Warhol, Fontana, Viola and now Ludmila Pawlowska.
Ruth Meyer art historian/director Taft Art Museum, Cincinnati
The art critic, Dave Hickey, defines a masterpiece as a work of visual art that is eternally relevant. Please enjoy these masterpieces of Ludmila Pawlowska, and allow them to guide you towards your truest and best self.
Tanya Hartman Art critic/Art Professor, University of Kansas
Ludmila Pawlowska is a great poet of secret and inner image, which is revealed in dreams or in the careful listening to the reasons of senses and the heart. She makes paintings in a vein of contemplative abstraction; her images are intuitive and enigmatic. She uses as many techniques, additives, and ways of applying acrylic/oil paint as possible so as to create a surface that entices the viewer and accentuates the process of looking. Her practice as an artist is an attempt to create objects that are beautiful – for beauty reminds us what it is to be human.
Sir Roy Strong Former Director, National Portrait Gallery and Victoria & Albert Museum, London
Ludmila Pawlowska’s three-dimensional surface structure of her artwork is fascinating. The combination of various materials – wax, metal, paper and glass amongst others – creates a radiant disposition. Surrounded by a secret aura are those paintings, which the artist calls ‘The Face I’m Looking for’ or “Letter to You”. Her motifs are figurative, abstract or lyric abstract renderings of existential and religious themes. Using a wide plethora of colours, ranging from dark drama to the poetry of spherical light and ease, she consistently express herself with high artistic precision and a remarkably concrete sensuality.
Nicole Scholl-Kaltenbach, Lic.phil. Art Historian/Zurich, Switzerland
The origin of Pawlowska´s paintings are not easy to define because they do not rest with one idea or one subject, but are rather an accumulation of references . What is exciting about her unique vision and painting is the use of image and esoteric materials to such an elegant finish. She employs fossils, precious and semi-precious minerals and metals with a thick and thin texture of various kinds of paint. The results applied to plywood boxes are like relief sculpture and often bring to mind the icons of her former land. She makes Art in which femininity, religion, dramatic expression and esthetica beautifully come to harmony.
Berndt Arell, Director Nationalmuseum, Stockholm
For me the meeting with Pawlowska´s art world has been an entirely new art experience. The works have intriguing experimental and explorative qualities. Sometimes their inspiration can be traced to icon art and calligraphy, but ultimately her works find inspiration in nature itself and the human soul. Intense colour compositions and a special choice of materials form the base of Ludmila’s successful works of art. The surface of her painting passes from the thickest of impastos with a grace which never falls into pastiche. She can interpret subjects in her own way and so she shows her talent and character. An unique style of work with a timeless beauty is born.
Jette Abildgård, Director Dronninglund Kunstcenter/Denmark
Ludmila Pawlowska has long been widely admired for her handling of paint, whose plastic possibilities she deploys with an unassuming sense of assurance. These paintings in this exhibition have a contemplative beauty of their own; they also transmit light and, miraculously, a sensation of calm, and show at the same time the artist´s feelings………… And feeling rather than sensation is what good art is about: feeling, and freedom from nostalgia if we consider the best 20th – 21st century art from Picasso to Pawlowska.
Ann Albritton art historian/art professor, Ringling College of Art, Sarasota
The unique artistic techniques of Ludmila Pawlowska stimulate the viewer to look beyond the two-dimensional surface and experience the abstract tone of the individual brush stroke. The artist combines various painted layers on wood panel to use the qualities of refracted light to interact with the painting itself. She creates the feeling of movement and light with a unified fluidity that resonates energy beyond the initial impact. The three dimensional paintings in this exhibition “Icons in transformation” define specific places and times in life allowing the viewer to become immersed and absorbed within an Art with capital A.
Jan Schall chief curator The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City
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